Full Moon Ways
Full moon is a time to set intentions It is a time to shed light on what you are looking to accomplish It's also a time to shine light on things that are hidden
On the Full Moon day or the 1 – 2 days before and following the Moon shifts, set aside about 30 minutes to complete this ritual. First, burn sage (masculine) or palo santo (feminine) or incense, light a candle, call in your guides, and ask for the space around you and your mind to be cleansed and purified. Get into a comfortable seated position and begin to breathe deeply. Quiet your mind, and drop your awareness from your mind into your heart. Allow your mind to travel from your head down to your heart space. Then gradually return to your breathing, and when you are ready, open your eyes.
I find this is the perfect time to reflect on what I’ve accomplished in the last month. We all are busy asking for things we want to manifest without ever acknowledging what we accomplished. When you have big dreams there are steps between where you are and where you are going.
Manifesting is something that requires us being in the frequency and vibration necessary to receive. So most of my intention setting is not just about what I’m looking to manifest, it's about what I need to do to receive it. I’m always asking, always asking for the thing or something better and that it be for the greatest good of all involved.
So I have created a manifestation book. The key with the book itself, it should be a notebook or journal that looks special to you, maybe even symbolic and you need to love it. Full moon is the time when you get to add to it. It is also a time when you get to review what’s in it. It’s also a good time to make changes. Sometimes your desires change for whatever reason. I personally make notes throughout the month and only add to it at full moon. Where you store it is very important also. Consider placing it on your altar or even a place you will see it everyday. This may be the place you put your wallet and keys.
When making requests to the universe we need to be very careful how we ask. When asking, you always should speak from the place of already having it. Not from fear, lack, anger, fixing, or victim hood. Begging will not work or be helpful.
Asking for help is another big step forward. From spirits or other people. If you need help whether it’s financial or physical, sitting and doing nothing will not move the situation forward. We tend to think we are imposing on others instead, people love to help sometimes I’m just asking if they know of someone else who can help. No action on your part will bring no results. So if you have a dream there are steps to get there.