Rainbow Paqo (Shaman)


Why we chose the term Rainbow and what it means for us? We follow the beliefs of the Rainbow Keepers and the prophecy laid out by the original peoples of north and south American. In this set of beliefs, the Rainbow Keepers are the keepers of the elements: Air - plants, winds of the four directions: north, east, south, west; Water - rain, glaciers, lakes, rivers, oceans; Fire - volcanoes, sun; Earth - mountains forests beaches; Under world - underground; Upper world - sky, sun, stars, moons, cosmos, galactic, universe. The prophecy says there would come a time for all people and tribes to come together bringing there knowledge and wisdom together to support humanity. Many elders consider the shift of 2012 as the great shift and they want to bring ancient ways back to life using the same ways their ancestors taught them to support the greater good of the planet. We also, use this term Rainbow as it relates to all ancient healing systems for the energetic body. This term is referencing the flow of energy through the body and the major chakras.

As Native Americans, we believe the Rainbow is a sign from the Spirit in all things. It is a sign of the union of all people, like one big family. The unity of all humanity, many tribes and peoples, is essential.
— Thomas Banyacya, Hopi elder

Paqo (Shaman)

Where does the term Paqo (Shaman) come from and what does it mean to us? Paqos (Shamans) follow the path of oneness, connectedness, sacredness, awareness, respect, honor, and gratitude.  It is the way the healers, from the original peoples, help and take care of individuals and the community. Paqos (Shamans) are in tune with nature, medicine plants, and spirits. They use all of them and the elements to bring a person back into alignment and harmony. Paqos (Shamans) work in non-ordinary realms which are seen and unseen. Simply put, they work with spirits outside of time and space to bring information and healing.

Paqo Healing

Paqos believe the human being is composed of heart, mind, body, and soul. Before disease and illness show up at the physical level, these conditions manifest themselves at the energetic and emotional level. When healing is done, it is on all levels, and it impacts the whole being. Paqo’s healing is incredibly powerful as it goes to the root of any an issue and eradicates it from there.

In Person offerings - Paqo Practices

Despojo or Waka

Paqo/Shaman Clearing and Portal

Both of these types of healings use the Terra Spiral. To find our more about Terra Spiral, please, check out information on our Offerings page. Despojo is a term that literally means clearing or cleaning and its focus is usually on dark cloud style energy following you around. It could originate from a curse or dark magic. The Despojo is done on a person. Waka is a term used to reference a ceremonial portal center point. Some cultures build monuments at these sites. In our use, we will create a heaven and earth portal meant to clear dark or heavy energy. Sometimes, there might be some unwelcome or stuck spirits of land who are dead, that can’t find their way into the spirit world. This portal assists them in finding their way back home. Waka is meant for land or property. These types of ceremonies are done in person.


Heaven and Earth Offering

Heaven and Earth Offering can be done at anytime. One purpose of this ceremony is that the offering is a representation of beauty and connects us with the beauty of earth. Another purpose of the ceremony is to brings us into harmonious relationship with heaven and earth, aligning all the worlds: lower, middle, and upper. The offering usually includes the prayers and gifts for the greatest good. The offering is a living prayer, similar to the creation of a sacred mandala, holding symbolic elements and prayers. When the prayers are burned, they are received by the heavens and when they are buried they are received by the earth. It is the ultimate thanks to the universe and all that it provides. This type of work is done in person.

Remote offerings - Universal Shamanic Practices

If you are interested in Paqo (Shaman) in person or remote offerings, please, reach out directly to David via email david@davidshatley.com

What clients have to say!

  • Land Clearing

    David was a lifesavor.

    My husband and I owned 100 acres horse farm. We bought the farm in a run down condition with the intention to fix it up and give it to our daughter who was working with horses. She got injured a few times and changed her mind about her future dream of working with horses. So, we decide to sell. The property had taken every dime we had to repair. After a year of being on the market and no interested parties, some strange things started happening. 

    We started noticing an unexplainable occurrences in the main house. Many people and my self started noticing figures of non-living, moving through the house. At some point, we all stopped going to one section of the home because there were so many incidents . 

     Our alpha mare started having major, unexplainable out burst. It got very bad when she would hit a section in the dressage ring. She would attempt to throw anybody from her back including myself. She got angry all the time. At one point, we were in the field and she kicked me and broke my leg.

    We had a carriage house on the property which was the first thing you would see driving in. Kind of important when trying to sell! But the energy in it and around it was so off! Every time my husband would try to repair it, he would either get very sick or injured and never be able to finish.

    It had gotten so bad that I started asking friends if they knew of anyone who could help. A few of my friends knew of David and we connected. First thing to know about David is, that he is very throughout. So, upon him taking on the task, he made numerous visits to understand what was going on. He told me the things he need to do and he used clear terms for me to understand. He believed he would need to use multiple types of ceremonies. I agreed to his plan. My husband, though not a believer, agreed with everything David was doing. 

    Let’s just say by the end, my husband was always excited to see David coming around.  He believed so much in David and his work, that he allowed him to do healing work on him. Another interesting thing is, that every time David would do his work all the horses would be calm and follow him through the field curious of what is going on. Also, many wild animals that had stayed away, returned. My husband noticed that every day David would be there, the eagle would fly over the farm

     David completed 3 ceremonies over 3 months. Things shifted a lot. The most important of all I think, it had to do with escorting all the stuck horse spirits to the other side. We knew that in the 70’s a barn had been burned down and many horses died there. Also, his gratitude ceremony had a big impact on the farm. All the horses were peaceful and content. After all this, our mare, who we had been attempting to breed, got pregnant. And the most important thing was that the property sold within 6 months. 

    I can not thank David enough for the work he did because none of this would have happened!

    Vicki Mc

    Horse Lover

  • Personal Clearing

    David helped me immensely.

    The True story of Half-face…In 2006-07 I was in the army and was over there in iraq. I don’t need to get into crazy details but I have to share for the reader to understand what I was going through… some time in the middle of my tour I was doing things. Boots on the ground. I was moving between alleys and this guy steps out and starts shooting his Ak at me. Mind you he 35-40 feet from me. I’m fully exposed and waiting to feel the bullets hit me.  Guy must have shot 28-32 rounds and me and missed everyone of them. As he was trying to reload, I calmly lifted the 12g shotgun I was holding up to my hip and pulled the trigger. Took him out. I got half his head with that shot. And I just kept moving on to the next alley. Did not think much of that until I saw that guy the next day. Seen him the next couple weeks around the city. I thought it must be a twin brother or something. Bout a month after his death he appeared on the FOB. And that was the beginning of him being attached to me and following me everywhere I’ve been. Most people have not seen him. But the few who have, only seen him pretending to be a cat. A black and white tuxedo one. He would try to terrorize me all the time, and he did it to whoever was around me the most.

    Fast forward to this summer. 17 years I’ve had Half-face following me. I explained this whole thing to my current girlfriend. She didn’t believe me until she was falling asleep and felt a cat jump onto the bed. We didn’t have a cat. She freaked out a bit and gave David a call. He came highly recommended to give me a real chance to cleanse my soul. And get rid of the guy.  David and I spoke for over an hour on the phone with me relaying everything that I just said. We met a few days later and we had a ceremony to cleanse my heart and soul. And then he did something to get half face to be cast out. And thrown away from me. I didn’t think that it worked. But half face wasn’t around me. I didn’t see him or anything for a couple weeks. When he was trying to find me and get back to his torturous ways. Once again David came to my rescue and walked me and my girlfriend through my next steps.  And that was a few months ago. I haven’t seen half face since. And I honestly, haven’t felt so much relief in many years. David did something for me that no one else could. He helped save my eternal soul. If you feel like you need a big hand with whatever you’re dealing with, look no further. David is the real deal. I owe him so much. I truly do David. Thank you from the very depths of my heart and soul. I know that I’d be still dealing with something feeding off my soul. I’ve not felt such relief for many many years. And I owe it all to David. 

    So thanks again my man! I do sleep a little better because of the scope of work you can do! 

    Cid M

    Rock Lover & Military Veteran

Spirit Medicine

gives us the way