New Years 2024
Is it time to blow the walls off your box? The one you created, called doing it the right way or following somebody else’s expectations.
Let's get inspired in 2024!
First, let's start with something we all forget. Instead of where do you want to go, let's start with where you have been and what have you accomplished. Sometimes, you may need to go all the way back, if you have never done this before. This is more critical than where you want to go.
Forgotten areas of life. One, might say, these are the areas behind the important ones. I say, they are the most important.
We are taught that these are the most important. I am not saying they are not important, but it might be time to focus on the ones behind them. Self improvement and Affirmations can only get us so far.
Maybe, this year it is time to take our attention off the typical areas. Stop making life a to-do list, weekend hobby, project or someone else's mediocre recipe of how to get what you are told you want.
What would life look like if you were living a life you loved!
What do you never make time for?
What changes need to be made?
What are you looking forward to in life?
This could be the best year of your life! Is it time to stop with could or should and make it happen. You get to say and you get to dream it.
How to make it happen
Get outside for at least 20 minutes every day!
I would suggest, going to sit with your back against a tree. Try first to connect with the tree. Once you have master that, then connect with the earth. Once you master that, then connect with the water. Once you master that, then connect to the sun. Once you master that, then connect with the air. This connection is at a heart level.
When I say master, I do not mean you do it once and you are done. I mean, do it until your heart resonates with each of these. Trust! It will happen and this is not a to-do list, it's a welcoming back to life.
Daily prayer!
Has prayer become a bad word? Somehow, we have gotten away from this concept and people have started believing meditation is more important. Also, people have started to believe it has something to do with religion. It does not.
To have this practice, we must first believe in a power greater than ourselves. This concept has many names: God, Spirit, and The Universe. For those who do not believe this, I suggest considering that you or we are all Gods in our bodies. Both are correct! It's ideal to live in this duality.
This is the time to ask for help, get guidance and give gratitude. If you do not ask for it, you will never get it. Be super specific. This is more powerful than any other action you take in life. Sometimes, we just keep asking for more, but we need to take time to appreciate what we have been given. It is time to start saying daily prayers.
Examine your emotions every day!
Take time to examine your feelings and your emotions. Key here is to examine, not judge or assess them. Just look at them, we have been taught: it is not ok to have feelings or emotions. Not allowing yourself to have them, it’s where we get into trouble. Every emotion is perfect and should be welcomed.
So many people push away anger. I say, go all the way. Do not harm yourself or others, but go all the way. Anger can dissipate complacency and sometimes, it's the very thing we need to start changing things. Sadness is another one. Everyone wants us to be happy all the time. There is nothing wrong with being upset. This is not Disneyland! We are living in a life that has its ups and downs. It is not your fault other people can't deal with their own emotions. Your sadness or upset triggers their emotions to surface.
When we push emotions down, then they come out uncontrollably. So, it is time to look at them daily. Become friends with all your emotions. None of them are wrong, they just are.