Spririt of the Universe



Spirit of the Universe

Support the Dream

Shine Refuge - Costa Rica

We are looking for those interested in supporting our vision. Find out how to contribute or finance our Foundation Shine Refuge. We are looking to purchase land and build in Costa Rica for our retreats.

Live Love Journey -Costa Rica

Shine Refuge is hosting on a temporary retreat space in the heart of the Costa Rican tropical rainforest. It is only fifteen minutes from many of the most beautiful beaches. This is a one of a kind nature property in Costa Rica. Join us when we offer retreats of life transformation, psychedelic medicine and energy medicine retreats bi-annually.

March 2025

Spirit Connection

It is within pure Love we discover our true divine nature, the spirit which resides in us and in the whole universe.

Inspiring and empowering people to see their magnificence!

We are here on this journey together to help and support each other to see our divinity.

  • Vortex energy Spirial energy Sound healing Shamanic healing

    Harmonizing Healing

    We offer a variety of non-traditional healing styles. All styles are forms of harmonizing healing.

    David mostly uses the style of healing called Terra Spiral.

    Raz mostly uses the style of healing called Gallactic Vortex.

  • Channeling Blue collective Oneness collective

    Cosmic Channeling

    Raz Offers Channelings. He is a channeler for The Oneness Collective.

  • Transformational Workshop Course Series

    Guiding Session

    Are you tired of the feeling that there has to be more to life than “just this”?

    Are you looking for a deep connection to your Soul’s Purpose?

    Live Love ultimate purpose

    To open our hearts and free our minds

  • Rainbow Paqo (Shaman)

    David Offers Universal Shamanic Practices.

    Power Retrieval * Cord Cutting * Ancestral Clearing * Canceling Contracts * Boundary Setting * Shamanic Psychopomp * Soul Retrieval * Shamanic Dismemberment

  • Animal Healing

    Raz offers Vortex healing sessions for animals.

    During a session, he will connect with the animal to bring through healing and messages.

Harmonizing Healing

  • Healing, as we see it, is to bring the mind, body, and soul into its natural harmonious state. Disharmony is what creates disease.

  • Before disease and illness show up at the physical level, conditions manifest themselves at the energetic level.

  • We have forgotten that we can heal ourselves. Our purpose is to help you remember.

Cosmic Channeling

Oneness The Collective

Cosmic Channeling

Raz is a channeler for group that wishes to be called Oneness. When I first started channeling, I wanted to channel my galactic selves, but instead what it came through presented its self as my Higher Self and The Source.

 “I am your Higher Self although I am the Source! I am your Sirian self, your Lyrian self, your Andromedan self.” I saw myself merging with my galactic selves.

We are all one I was told. “Oneness is more appropriate as a name because on earth you put to many labels on everything.” 

Being in the presence of the Oneness, it felt like I was connected to all that is.

A Message for Humanity

This Channeling session is a beautiful message brought thru from Oneness Collective by Raz and our dear friend Laura McGinty .

Messages for Humanity

  • Love and Trust yourself! Love and trust will soon be at the center of the new earth.

  • You will always be taken care of and have everything you need when you need it.

  • Live only in present. Don’t be distracted by the future. There is nowhere to get to, you are already here NOW. Everything is happening simultaneously anyway past, present and future.

  • Transformation of humanity begins with us transforming ourselves each one of us individually.

  • We need everyone’s assistance as the great shift of consciousness has begun.

Channeled Message

from our dear freind

Laura McGinty

You are the light that aspected forth the person that you are today. You donned the robe that is your physical body that you might come forth into the experience of this world. You chose to be here now that you might shine forth your light, that you might call forth your light, that you might cast your light unto the shadows for the sheer joy of seeing the interplay - that you might know well the beauty of the Light that You Are.
— Laura McGinty, Messages of Truth for Mankind

Live Love


We offer guidance to have an exceptional life based on our Live Love transformational techniques. The guidance, series and retreats which are offered, are experiential and transformative in the areas of life that are most important to you. These techniques come from many sources in the non-traditional transformational world and spiritual based teachings. Many of these techniques I have worked with for myself and numerous clients. We walk side by side with our clients through their unexpected discoveries and heart centering process.

The promises of Live Love

Discover yourself - Your Souls Purpose - Dreaming Again

Finding your Gratitude - Finding your Inspiration - Finding your Intuition

Rainbow Paqo (Shaman)

Paqos follow the path of oneness, connectedness, sacredness, awareness, respect, honor and gratitude.  They are healers and are very effective in dealing with stress, trauma, wounding, diseases, negative emotions, and other issues by going to the core of the issue and eradicating it at the root, which could originate from childhood, past lives or past down through ancestors. Paqos are in tune with nature, medicine plants, and spirits they use all of them and the elements to bring a person back into alignment and harmony.

It was one of the biggest honors of my life to be welcomed in to the community of Andean Paqos.

Animal Healing

In the world of energy and vibration, the animals are more sensitive then humans. Take for example the weather changes. They are the first to know if there is a storm on its way or an earthquake. And that is normal since they are connected to the Earth in a more organic way than us. But they also, are susceptible to our emotions. It’s like they know when we need a friend who is there to comfort us just by being present and transmute the energy.

Since childhood, I loved being around animals, but I didn’t understand their capabilities of sensing emotions and energy. My dogs Saidi and Lex and later our friend’s horses, Puck and Biscuit, showed me that I can use same healing modalities for them as for humans. They also, taught me that I can communicate with them through telephaty.

What our clients have to say!

  • Lori Z

    David is a true visionary with vast personal and professional experiences that were able to guide me in so many facets of my life.

    I have worked with David ongoing for nearly 10 years. Davids guidance and insights have been unwavering, inspirational, and have led me to the most successful period of my life.

    Ranging from personal healings, to expanding a successful business, I cannot imagine where I would be without David's coaching and guidance.

    What I love about David is how real he is. My experience with him is that he blends relatability to his wisdom. In his speaking he is down to earth not up in the clouds. 

    And for me this is essential in trusting him, if he were in the clouds or above it all I wouldn’t be one of his biggest fans! Hands down, I recommend working with David as a personal guide and healer.

    Gratitude David for all your support and priceless guidance.

    Lori Z

    Owner-Fusion Salon Delaware

  • Steph Y

    I was sixteen years old when I meet David. He had been recommended to me and my stepmom by my therapist. She and I had been working together for about 3 years. The last year we had made no progress and she was very disappointed for both us. So, she felt there wasn’t much else she knew to do.So, my stepmom reached out to David and arranged a meeting. I remember that day like it was yesterday.  I had been suffering with severe depression and anxiety. I wasn’t sleeping and very angry all the time. At our first session he included my stepmom in everything we were doing. With in the first 30 minutes she felt so comfortable she wanted to give us privacy and left us to work. I remember we had about 3 sessions and I felt many things change. First, I started resting really well. The topics we discussed had a lot to do with the pressures of being my age. David each time would teach me simple energy tool to work with from crystals to dowsing to speaking with my spirit animal. I just loved our meetings! All of his tips, tricks and advice gave me the confidence I could not find with my therapist or on my own.As the years have past, I wanted two or so follow up sessions. My dad was so thrilled with how much David had helped that he brought me to those sessions. David would try to explain what he was doing and my very intelligent dad would say: You really don’t need to explain, because I’m so confident in what you’ve already accomplished.Fast forward to today, four years later I’m so honored to write this. David and I just got to spent time together socially and could share all the exciting things in my life that probably weren’t going to happen with out his help. Shortly after working with him I meet a boyfriend, got a new job working with animals, which I love, started college and now graduating in 6 months. Many of these things are the things which were paralyzing me into severe anxiety and depression.Thank you David for everything! I know for the rest of my life I have someone to call when I feel alone in the world and he will always be there for me.

    Steph Y

    Animal Lover & Student

  • Jenn S

    I have participated in both vortex healing and channeling with Raz. His energy is so gentle, welcoming and compassionate, that I was immediately comfortable. I only recently participated channeling and I am still processing that experience.

    During the vortex session, Raz helped me get settled and as he began to tap into the the Divine, I had a physical reaction. I felt heat and tingling in my body. I experienced colors and images that were, I believe, a premonition of sorts. 

    As my session came to a close and the energy dissipated, I felt peaceful. 

    I didn’t begin to understand the power of the session until the following day, when some of the imagery and colors became a reality. It was a intensely personal experience, but I believe Raz helped me tap into my deep intuition, which for me is usually very focused and accurate, but life gets in the way and I forget to trust it. He followed up with notes and a drawing that documented his experience as our energies communicated with each other. I found meaning in all aspects of this session. In my life “understanding” can be a vehicle for healing. Raz assured me that we were supported by the universe, surrounded by guardian angels, perhaps my grandmothers and that I was not alone. In my busy life, that reminder was enough to bolster me and help me move forward at that time.

    I believe that we are all divine, but Raz embodies divinity on a high level. You’ll want to experience his energy. Vortex Healing was a wonderful and I highly recommend giving it a try.

    Jennifer S

    Owner-Sadhana Yoga Delaware